Diary Dates

Dates for your Diary

January 2024

Wednesday 3rd - F & O Meeting at 7.30pm, The Moorcock Inn, Eggleston, DL12 0AU

Wednesday 10th - R & C Meeting at 7.30pm, Hardwick Hall Hotel, Sedgefield, TS21 2EH

Wednesday 24th - Exec Meeting at 7.30pm, Broom Mill Farm, West Auckland, DL14 9PJ.

Sunday 28th Sports Day - Sedgefield Community College, 10am til 1pm

Wednesday 31st - 1st Round of Quiz



Sunday 4th - Stockjudging Day at Houghall College

Wednesday 28th - 2nd round of Quiz



2nd and 3rd - Northern Area Weekend

Wednesday 27th - 3rd round of Quiz